Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blue Shirts shirts!

A first for Robot Lust - we now have a clothing item to add to our list of releases.
Blue Shirts' first non-'blue-button-up-shirts' are done.

The tshirts come in a plethora of colours, stencilled on the second-hand sourced tshirts. Currently in stock: M, L, and XL. Seven units of Canadian Currency per tshirt.
As of right now, the colours are not on demand, you will get a random colour in the size you order.

If you want to order a custom colour/size though, keep reading.
Seing as the tshirts a second-hand (we buy them at local Value Village/Salvation Army), we are willing to custom-find-a-colour for you. In order to do that, you will email us and let us know the colour and the size of the custom tshirt. In turn, we will respond to you ASAP. However, if you are custom-ordering a colour, that probably means you will have to wait at least a couple extra days (we do not go every day to VV/SA), and it might be a couple extra bucks (we can not guarantee that at any given time a VV/SA will have a blistering-hot-pink tshirt with pastel blue sleeves in XXXXXL for the price we get our usual shirts).

Monday, May 11, 2009

First release

RL's first release is upon us.
Blue Shirts - Banned From

is a one-sided cassette of the show that saw Blue Shirts banned from Gus' pub. Post-rock meets harsh noise.

xeroxed cover/home dubbed tape.

contact us to order.